Drop.io releases Twitter Support

Drop.io, Inc., the simple private sharing solution, today Drop.io started testing a new set of features to enhance Drop.io’s file sharing experience, making it faster and easier for users to privately share and store pictures, videos, audio, documents, and other digital content with family, friends, colleagues and work groups. In early June 2008, Drop.io introduced support with Scribd, the leading platform for online document publishing, announced today a partnership to offer rich document conversion and viewing within private drop.io ‘drops’.

Headlining the package of new Drop.io features is the integration of Twitter’s social
networking and micro-blogging platform to enable ‘real-time’ sharing of files uploaded to a drop through a user’s personalized Twitter stream.

Continue reading “Drop.io releases Twitter Support”

Born Again Mac User Podcast

Marcelo Lewin of the Born Again Mac User Podcast (part of The Digital Media Dude network) recently brought me on his for an interview. It was a great honor to be on the show. The episode was about switching from Microsoft Windows to the amazing Mac OS X. The two co-hosts, Marcelo, a.k.a. “Rabbi Marcelo” and John Devine, a.k.a. “Reverend John” got really into it, so did I, and they really did a great job co-hosting the show. You can find the episode on the Born Again Mac User Podcast site.We had a blast talking about my switch, and also some problems that occurred. Here are the interview questions, for quick reference:

  • Tell us about yourself.
  • Tell us about your podcasts.
  • Why did you switch to Mac?
  • Mac or PC in school?
  • What was the best thing about the conversion process?
  • What’s been the worst thing about converting?
  • Biggest conversion surprise?
  • What’s the best Mac convert resource?
  • Is there anything from Windows that you miss?
  • What’s your favorite Mac app?

The Digital Media Dude network has other podcasts that I think you will enjoy. Check it out – you might learn something cool!

Apple Universe Appearing on Typical Mac User Podcast

One of my dreams for quite a while has been to join Victor Cajiao as a co-host on the Typical Mac User Podcast. Victor runs an extremely well-organized show using the live podcasting service Talkshoe.com, and also allows the audience to talk on the show, adding a radio-show level of interactivity.

Fortunately, I woke up (editor’s note: pun intended), and my wish came true this Sunday, as Victor and I talked about my background in podcasting, my love for Apple products, and various other Apple-related topics.

I joined Victor for his live podcast on Sunday evening, as Victor chatted with me and the live listeners of the show for about 50 minutes. You can listen to the recorded episode on the Typical Mac User web site, and listen in and participate on Talkshoe.com on Sunday nights.

Apearing on Typical Mac User Podcast

This Sunday, from 5:00 PM 6:00 PM Pacific time, I will be co-hosting the Typical Mac User Podcast with Victor Cajiao, and Victor and I will be talking about teens using Macs, Social Networking, and more. Please tune in – It has been my dream to be on the show, and now it is coming true.

The podcast will be available for LIVE listening on Talkshoe this Sunday evening, and you can join in. All you have to do is go to Typical Mac User Podcast page on Talkshoe. Talkshoe’s new web client lets you participate on the chat without even having to get an account (although registering allows for even more interactivity).

If you perfer dialing in to Talkshoe, call (724) 444-7444 and enter the TMUP’s Talkcast ID, 3097. You will be asked top put in your talkcast ID (the phone number you entered in your Talkshoe profile), which will place your username in the list of dialed in members, or you can listen anonymously.

I’d like to thank Victor for inviting me on the show, and hope to see you on Talkshoe!

~Daniel Brusilovsky


Today I will be heading over to Flock for an interview. This will be Apple Universe #101. Flock is a really cool web broswer that implaments social networking into the browser. I will release this interview on both the new site, and the old MyPodCast one.

I think its going to be a really cool interview, and I am going to try to stream the way on Qik! Check out the live stream, and chat with me!

Powered by Qumana

Macworld 2008: Day 1

Macworld 2008 has started, and it couldn’t start better off for me! This following blog post will be no ordinary blog post, I will by time, tell the readers my journey to Macworld 2008: Day 1.

5:00 AM- Wake up. At around 5:15 I eat breakfast, and get all my stuff ready for the days journey to Macworld 2008.
5:30 AM- Leave house to BART Station.
6:00 AM- Arrive at BART Station and board train to San Francisco!
6:50 AM- I arrive in San Francisco, and walk to Moscone Center West.
7:10 AM- Get my Super Pass, and go inside of Moscone West.
7:20-8:45 AM- Wait in line until they let us in the keynote room. At this time, I meet new friends, and talk about the Apple Universe podcast recording that night, and stream some live video on Qik.
9:00-10:30 AM- Steve Jobs Keynote! I get my seat, and take LOTS of pictures, and videos. A blog post coming up about the announcements from the keynote.

At this time I want to talk about what happened after the keynote was over. I had no where to go, since I was waiting for a friend, and I decide to walk to the stage. What I didn’t know, was that the press were taking a lot of pictures. I didn’t know what they were taking pictures, and knowing that I was small enough, I went through some people to find Steve Jobs in front of me! YES! STEVE JOBS WAS IN FRONT ON ME!! Steve needed to go, so he turned around and turned in my direction. I talk to Steve and SHAKE HIS HAND! I SHOKE STVEVE JOBS HAND!!!!

Steve is a really idol to me, it was a great experience to shake Steve Jobs hand. After that, I meet with some Apple Executives like Jonathan Ive, and some iPhone person, that I don’t remember his name 🙂

Going back to the actual story:

11:00 AM- Meet with iPhoneAlley Founder, and Editor-in-Chief, Michael Johnston. We talk about the keynote, and talk, like us all 🙂
12:00-1:00 PM- I go out to lunch with a really good friend of mine, Eric Willis. Eric is now in San Francisco, and I have him a pass to Macworld 2008. We went out to lunch, and had a good time talking nothing other then Apple!
1:00-1:30 PM- Go to Eric’s office, and relax for a little bit before going back to Macworld 2008.
1:50 PM- Meet with Robert and Patrick Scoble in Moscone Center.
2:00- 4:00 PM- Walk around the expo floor with the Scoble’s and Mike Cohen of MacMegasite.
4:15- 5:45 PM- Set-up for my Apple Universe Episode #100 event at Zeum!
6:00- 8:00 PM- Apple Universe #100 with Robert Scoble, Dave Sifry, Shooby, iJustine and Cali Lewis! There will be a blog post about this event coming up.
8:30 PM- Leave the Zeum, and go home after a very long day.

This was basically my day at Macworld 2008. I am still in disbelief that I shook Steve Jobs hand! Apple Universe #100 was great, and I hope my parents let me go back to Macworld later this week, and if not, I had a great time at Macworld 2008!

Apple Universe #100 should be out soon.