
Many of you have heard the buzz of the awesome mobile service called TwitterFone on TechCrunch, CNET News, VoIP Now, Silicon Valley Watcher, and many more.

TwitterFone is free service that lets you update your Twitter feed using your voice from any mobile or cell phone. You call it, speak your tweet, and hang up. A short while later, your tweet will be posted on Twitter. TwitterFone was founded by Pat Phelan, Florian Seroussi, and David Marcus.

Our friends at TwitterFone were very kind to give us 10 TwitterFone invite codes. The first ten (10) people that email the special TwitterFone email address, will receive an invite. If you don’t get an invite, I will try to get more. Stay tuned!

UPDATE: I am all out of invites. If you would like invites, please talk to Pat Phelan or Florian Seroussi over Twitter. Thanks!

iPhone 3G App Crash

I have been having some problems with my iPhone 3G. Nothing big, but it still affected me. Every time I would try to open a application, and the phone would go back to the home screen. This happened on every application I downloaded from the App Store. I sent out a Twitter message, and got a reply from Aaron (@sonictonic on Twitter). He forwarded me to this MacRumors iPhone Story.

Continue reading “iPhone 3G App Crash”

iGot iPhone

On Saturday July 12, 2008, my parents and I went to the Apple Store Burlingame to purchase the new Apple iPhone 3G. We stood in line for about 3 hours, and then another hour in the store to activate the phones.

When all said and done, it was time to formally un-box my new iPhone 3G. I did get the White 16 GB iPhone 3G, instead of the Black 16 GB. I talked to Robert Scoble the night before, and he convinced me to get the White version. My mom did get a 8 GB Black iPhone 3G. I am still teaching her how to use everything, but she is getting the hand of it. Below are videos from walking into the store, and un-boxing our new iPhones!

Continue reading “iGot iPhone”

My Talk at Social Networking Conference

On Thursday, July 10th, I was a keynote speaker at the Social Networking Conference in San Francisco. My dad fortunately has Qik on his Blackjack II, so he Qikked my keynote. Here are some clips below:

Continue reading “My Talk at Social Networking Conference”

Upcoming Conferences/Events for July 2008

I would like to take a moment to talk about the upcoming conferences/events I will be attending.

Taping of Gary Vaynerchuk’s 500th Episode of the ThunderShow on WineLibrary TV — July 10: San Francisco, CA

Social Networking Conference — July 10-11: San Francisco, CA

2008 Ypulse Nation Mashup — July 14-15: San Francisco, CA

SocialMediaCamp SF — July 15: San Francisco, CA

BlogHer SF Conference — July 18-20: San Francisco

The AlwaysOn & STVP Summit at Stanford — July 22-24: Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA

Facebook f8 Conference — July 23: San Francisco

TechCrunch Event: Mobile Web Wars. Which Platform Will Win? — July 25: Menlo Park, CA

TechCrunch Event at August Capital — July 25: Menlo Park, CA

If you are going to attend any of theme events, let me know! Either leave a comment below, or contact me.

China, Here I Come

If you’ve been following me on Twitter, or you are “friendly” with me on Facebook, you would know that a truly amazing event in my life is rapidly approaching. If you don’t know, here’s the big news: I will be traveling to China from June 3rd until the 14th with my high school, as part of a school music tour.

Technically, the trip is just ten days long, but my group (there are two of them) will be laying over in Hong Kong along the way, providing an extra few hours of excitement. This really is a once in a lifetime opportunity, and I surely would like to savor every moment of the trip.

Obviously, while I’m on the road, my communication options will be somewhat restricted, but I’ll definitely work on sharing the experience and remaining open for contact.

  • Blogging: I will be bringing my PowerBook G4 along for the trip, and there will be internet access at the hotel we are staying at. If I can find free WiFi around the area, I will surely use it, but the internet access in the hotel room isn’t free, so some of my friends will chip in a bit for the cost of the in-room connection (and I’ll gladly let them use of my laptop in return). Hopefully, this arrangement will work out, and I will attempt to blog while I’m in China. In addition, we have a school blog that we will try to update daily with photos, and perhaps video.
  • Video: Being that I am a Qik employee, it makes sense that I should be broadcasting live video from my cell phone, but the only problem that would prevent streaming in China is the difficulty in obtaining a Chinese SIM card with a data plan. I have reached out to some Chinese Qik users, to see how they use Qik in China, and I found out that you have to be a legal Chinese resident in order to get a SIM card with the appropriate subscription. Luckily, my Nokia N95 (the phone that does the magical streaming work) has WiFi, which provides one more possible communications venue. Robert Scoble says that all Qikking at DAVOS and similar international conferences was done over WiFi, which is several orders of magnitude easier than obtaining a SIM card from a Chinese carrier. (BTW, you can view my live stream on either the Live section of this blog, or on my Qik profile page.)
    I am debating whether to take my MiniDV camera to take good video footage, but since my PowerBook doesn’t have a built-in web cam, I will bring along my iSight (the original FireWire version). An idea is to do a nightly video journal, where I’d record a clip every evening detailing my experiences, and then post to the web if there is enough bandwidth. 🙂
  • Photos: I am still debating on whether or not I will bring my Kodak DC4800 to China. I have heard a lot that people get robbed of technology in China. (Fortunately, my hotel room will be equipped with a safe, and, needless to say, I’ll be making good use of it). If I do decide to take my Kodak camera, I will post my photos to Flickr. My N95 also has a 5 megapixel camera built in, so in theory, I could use the phone to photograph the trip. However, the camera functions on the N95 are particularly slow, which would severely impact the frequency of picture taking.
  • Twitter: When I do get an internet connection, I will be Twittering. Seeing that I am “addicted” to Twitter, it would be very hard to not Twitter for more then a few days. One solution for tweeting on the go would involve Chris Thomson’s experiment, which I did consider, but dropped because of the complexity.
  • Email: I will be checking email (the frequency will depend on the connection situation), so if you do need to contact me, the best way is to use the Contact page on this site, or email me directly.

To put it in simple words, this is going to be an awesome trip! Expect to see blog posts and photos on my Flickr photostream that detail the entire experience. Beijing, China – here I come!

Disclosure: The thoughts mentioned in this blog post regarding Qik are of my personal opinion and do not represent the business practices of Qik, Inc., or any of its employees or management, or those of its subsidiaries.

One Year of Podcasting, One Year of Connecting

On April 5th, 2007, Apple Universe was born. It was an idea that came to my head mainly because of Leo Laporte and his network of podcasts, TWiT, and also because of Douglas Bell. Douglas has a podcast called PreviewCast, which he recorded and edited an episode of live at my high school. I saw the work behind the scenes of podcasting, and wanted to start.

Now, one year later, Apple Universe is going strong. One hundred fifteen episodes have been released, and many more will be coming. I wanted to commemorate the first anniversary of Apple Universe. I also want to thank everyone who has ever helped Apple Universe. Your help is very appreciated. To all my listeners, thank you for listening, and helping make this such a good podcast. Thank you Robert Scoble who took me from a nobody, a random high school student, into a somebody, almost a celebrity of my demographic.

Thank you,
Daniel Brusilovsky

One Year of Blogging, One Year of Learning

On March 25th, 2007, Daniel’s Blog was created on Much like the birth of my podcast, Apple Universe, this was meant to be at first an experiment. Robert Scoble inspired me to start blogging, and has since inspired me to publish new media, and go out and do the unexpected. Robert Scoble is not only an inspirational person in my life; he’s someone I really look up to. His work is extraordinary. Personally I don’t care that people hate his constant Twitter updates, but I like them.

Let’s fast-forward back to the present, about one year later. thrives upon its own domain and hosting (free from the somewhat tight shackles of Like in the case of Apple Universe, I’d to thank Robert Scoble so much for inspiring me to start blogging. If it wasn’t for Robert, you wouldn’t have known about me. Thank you to everyone who has ever read articles on or helped produce this blog.

Thank you everyone,
Daniel Brusilovsky

Time for a New Look

As anybody who visited the site recently can tell, has gotten a new face, almost top to bottom. Previously, I was using the GlossyBlue theme designed by N.Design Studio, but now the blog is showing off the WP-Premium 1.0 by R.Bhavesh.

For the record, I did not work on customizing this theme alone. The awesome Matt Pippen, of Teen Media Productions, helped me along the way with CSS and PHP, and making the theme fit into the blog just beautifully.

But we’re not doen yet. Community, you’re involved in this too. Do you like the theme? Do you think that there’s anything else we can work on to make the blog look even better? Let me know by leaving a comment below, or through the contact form.