Twitter: Open or Closed

When it comes to social networking, we all know and love the networks. I mean, come one now….who doesn’t have a Twitter, a Facebook or even a MySpace account? You may just think that it is a place to get connected with friends, which it is, but do you really think, when you are on Facebook, that you are “socially networking”? Being that I am a kind of person who likes to stay connected and meet knew people in the business, I am trying to be more “open”.Everyone knows that I LOVE Twitter. It is my favorite social networking, and Twittterific is the first application to start up on my Mac. For me, Twitter is a way of knowing what my friends are doing. Although I may not know all of these “friends” by face, I “follow” them. To follow a person means to request to see their “tweets”, or updates on their activities..

For a while now, I have kept my updates protected, only letting people that I know, or whom I heard of, follow me. I don’t do this to hide feelings of anything like that; I do it to stay safe on the internet. There are people like Robert Scoble, Jason Calacanis who let anyone who wants to follow them. Then that comes to me. Why don’t I let everyone follow me? I don’t write any bad tweets, or anything like that. What I do write about is new blog posts, new Apple Universe episodes, when I leave and come back, and those types of things.

That is why I wonder why I still keep my updates protected. As much as I want to open my Twitter, there is still a thought about something happening that I don’t know about. What do you think?Do you think that Twitter should be open? Should I open my tweets to anyone who wants to see them? In the end, it just brings more traffic to Apple Universe, my blog, and any other links that I add.

Please let me now your opinons – reply in a comment below, or email me at

3 thoughts on “Twitter: Open or Closed

  1. I love twitter too. It is very funny because I think I am the only one who has never ever had a myspace I missed the whole thing and hen saw the design of the site and never went back


  2. I think the purpose of Twitter itself is “openness”! It’s to share thoughts, ideas and random things that you come across everyday!
    I can only think of protecting my tweets if I was about to do something I didn’t want anyone else but my friends to know about for some reason! And since I don’t see something like that coming soon, I can’t think of protecting them!

    NOW, I can imagine that someone who had problems with stalkers and what not, might want to protect their updates as they might reveal where they are going, or are at!

    As for you, I think you can only gain from unprotecting your tweets… but it’s still your call! 🙂


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